At Greater Faith Baptist Church, your giving goes beyond just a financial contribution—it’s an act of worship and an investment in God’s kingdom. Through your generosity, we’re able to fulfill our mission to be faithful over Fellowship, Evangelism, and Worship while working towards our vision of Salvation And Victory Encompassing North Memphis. Together, we are making a profound impact in our community and beyond, spreading the Gospel, serving those in need, and providing life-changing ministries.

How Your Giving Makes a Difference

Your contributions enable us to:

- Foster Fellowship: Building a strong, supportive community of believers through regular gatherings and outreach events.

- Advance Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel with the people of North Memphis and beyond, bringing the message of salvation to those who need it most.

- Enhance Worship: Creating meaningful worship experiences that draw us closer to God and each other.

Every gift you give plays a vital role in the ongoing mission of Greater Faith Baptist Church. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and generosity.

Impact Story: Grill to Glory - Cultivating Hope and Community in North Memphis

Nestled in North Memphis, Greater Faith Baptist Church is more than just a place of worship—it’s a cornerstone of a community rich in kindness, resilience, and mutual care. Through our "Grill to Glory" program, we’re fostering these values, creating connections, and working together to help our neighborhood thrive.

Nurturing Community, One Meal at a Time

Every week, the aroma of grilled food brings neighbors together at our church. Grill to Glory started with a simple idea: share a meal, share a conversation, and build relationships. But it’s grown into something much more—a consistent reminder that in North Memphis, we care for one another. Whether it’s sharing food, stories, or simply a smile, this program is about nurturing the bonds that make our community strong.

Tapping into the Potential of Our Community

North Memphis is a place with deep roots and a strong sense of community. While there are challenges—like in any neighborhood—there is also immense potential. At Greater Faith, we believe in tapping into that potential, recognizing and nurturing the gifts, talents, and strengths that each person brings. Our church is not just in the community; we are a part of it. We see our role as helping to highlight and cultivate the inherent value within our neighborhood, showing that this is not just a place to live, but a place to thrive.

Connecting Needs with Resources

As a small congregation, we understand that we can’t address every challenge alone. But what we can do is listen, connect, and support. Grill to Glory is not just about providing a meal—it’s about being a connection point. We strive to connect our neighbors with the resources they need, whether it’s help with housing, access to healthcare, or support in overcoming personal challenges. We may not have all the solutions, but we’re committed to walking alongside our community, helping to bridge the gap between needs and resources.

The Power of Presence

We believe in the power of simply being there. By consistently showing up through initiatives like Grill to Glory, we’re demonstrating that Greater Faith Baptist Church is here for the long haul. Our presence is a testament to our belief in the strength of this community. We’re here to offer support, encouragement, and to be a light in any darkness, showing that together, we can build a future where everyone in North Memphis has the opportunity to flourish.

A Vision for the Future

Our vision is to see North Memphis not just survive, but thrive. We know this transformation won’t happen overnight, but with faith, perseverance, and the support of our community, we’re taking meaningful steps towards this goal. Grill to Glory is just one of the ways we’re working to cultivate a stronger, more connected community—a place where everyone feels valued and supported.

Join Us in Building a Stronger Community

Your support helps make this vision a reality. Whether through your time, talents, or financial contributions, you can be part of this journey. By supporting Grill to Glory, you’re helping to feed both body and soul, fostering hope, and building a future where North Memphis shines as a place of growth and opportunity.